Posted at Tue Jan 21 23:25:44 2020
We've been quiet for a while. Three and a half years ago, we posted about new 50MP CMOS sensors powering the first commercial mirrorless medium format cameras, which went on to pave the way for arguably affordable mirrorless with Fuji. Nikon finally release a mirrorless line, while simultaneously …
Posted at Mon Jun 27 21:47:10 2016
Sony's 50MP 44mmx33mm CMOS sensor gets around. In addition to appearing in the first CMOS-based medium format cameras from each of Phase One, Pentax, and Hasselblad; it is now in the first medium format mirrorless. To support the new system, Hasselblad is starting a new line of lenses starting with an 45mm f/3.5 and 90mm f/4.5, with an 30mm f/3.5 to follow.
Posted at Sun May 1 08:31:11 2016
Leica's recently announced its latest digital camera, which by the released specs sounds sounds like the Typ 240 and 262 except for the LCD, which is missing (replaced with a physical ISO selector). The camera shoots DNG-only, with some basic configurations being confirmed through the viewfinder, making this camera basically a cheaper version of the "Leica 60" special version of the Typ 240.
Posted at Sat Jan 23 14:34:44 2016
Leica's found its form in the point-and-shoot market with its X-line rather than its Panasonic co-brand. The Made-in-Germany Leica designs from the X-2—that is additionally the X-Vario, X Type 113, and X-E Type 102—have contained a similar form factor and technical abilities. The new X-U shares the Type 113 on-lens manual focusing (other models focused using an awkward dial on the back of the body) while adding environmental sealing and is rated for under-water usage for up to an hour at 15m.
Posted at Sun Jan 10 14:25:26 2016
Olympus has added to their professional lens line-up with a 300mm Micro Four Thirds pro lens, replacing the need for the heavier, slower, Four Thirds 300mm F/2.8. The new lens (MSRP expected around $2,500 USD) has already been reviewed by SLR Gear with exceptional performance and some details about the new (especially for Olympus) in-lens image stabilization system. In the past, Olympus has relied on in-camera stabilization, and using an IS lens (such as those from Panasonic) required making a decision as to whether the combination would use the body's or lens' IS system. With compatible cameras, such as an OM-D E-M1 with updated firmware, the new 300mm f/4 IS Pro ED M.Zuiko Digital lens can function in conjunction with the body's IS, providing 6-stops worth of stabilization. SLR Gear's reports also report issues with shutter-shock, although bodies that provide an electronic shutter (such as the aforementioned E-M1 with its silent mode) can eliminate that problem.
Posted at Thu Oct 22 18:30:18 2015
Leica's done it again, releasing a mirror-less camera. Unlike it's earlier non-M attempt at an interchangeable-lens mirror-less camera, the T, the new SL actually sounds like it's a worthy product judging from Sean Reid's write-up following over a year of testing prototypes. The camera will suppor…